Poll While Alarm On Screen

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

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Poll While Alarm On Screen

This Help File Page was issued on 09/30/2017

The Alarm Stack provides a complete (or optionally, a filtered) list of Alarms Signals which may be individually selected for Processing.




Frequently, a Central Station Supervisor will assist other Operators with follow up on Alarm Signals and/or Supervised Events that were previously placed On Hold, but need additional processing.

The ability to selectively retrieve and (continue to) process Signals, to provide further processing of those Signals (e.g., when an Account was put On Hold, for updating a UL® Dispatch with the Investigator's Report), is an important feature offered by the Alarm Stack.


Normally, when an Operator or a Central Station Supervisor is handling a Signal that was retrieved from the Alarm Stack, she/he is unable to interrupt the handling of that Signal to process another, more important (Higher Priority) Signal, should one be received and another (Qualified) Operator is not immediately available to handle it.

However, this default behavior may be changed using the Poll While Alarm On Screen option (see below) so that an Operator or a Central Station Supervisor can get more important (Higher Priority) Signal, if appropriate.



The Poll While Alarm On Screen option is set in the Company Settings dialog, accessible from the Company tab of the User Options Form.

Setting the Poll While Alarm On Screen option to True ("T") in the Company Settings dialog will enable the Poll While Alarm On Screen feature.




The Poll While Alarm On Screen feature - when enabled these processing actions:

a)Will allow the system to send the Operator (or the Central Station Supervisor) who is currently processing a Lower Priority Signal - that was specifically retrieved from the Alarm Stack (not received by the normal Processing method), a more important (Higher Priority) Signal

b)Will be able to send another, more important (Higher Priority) Signal to process instead, (Higher Priority) Signal.

c)Will be able to temporarily interrupt the handling of that Lower Priority Signal.


Once that more important (Higher Priority) Signal is Completed, or placed On Hold, the Operator (or the Central Station Supervisor) will then be able to continue with the handling of the previous Signal.


See the Company tab & Company Settings chapter for additional information about the Company Settings dialog.